Whirl wind weeks come and go. By the time they are over it is nice to take a break and relax. Look back on the week and count your blessings.
First, My 20 PAGE research paper had it due date changed giving me four more days

to work on. Second, I got my last speech of the semester written. Third, I took a day off of work. Fourth, what did I do on my day off of work? Went to the institute fall formal with Jared. It was a blast and a great way to relieve stress by having fun. Fifth, I had only one meeting on Sunday, which allowed me to get some other things done and catch up on sleep. Sixth, I talked to my sister Hannah on the phone for an hour. It was good to hear how her college experience is coming along. Seventh, I get to see my family tomorrow. Eighth, I was able to have my friend Jenny over for a little while. She abandoned me and went to USU. I love her to death! Ninth, I have had way more motivation this week than I have all semester. Tenth, I realized at church when they announced the angel tree just how spoiled I really am.
Thanksgiving is this week. Hopefully we all take the time to realize what this holiday is for.